Revitalize Your Skin Naturally: Discover 08 Best Homemade Toners for Dry Skin

08 best homemade toners for dry skin

Toning is a crucial step for almost every skin type most people overlook. Many people mistakenly believe toning is only necessary for oily or acne-prone skin types. However, toning is equally important for individuals with dry skin. Individuals with dry skin need to find the right toner for their skin. In this article, we’ll discuss the 08 best homemade toners for dry skin. We’ll also discuss dry skin and its specific needs, the benefits of these homemade toners, and how to use these toners properly.

What is a Toner? 

Toner is a liquid skincare product that helps to balance the pH of the skin. Toning helps to remove any residual impurities, balance the skin’s pH levels, and prepare the skin for better absorption of other skincare products. This liquid usually contains active ingredients such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or witch hazel that exfoliate the skin, unclog pores, and promote cell turnover. Dry skin tends to have a compromised moisture barrier. This barrier leads to increased sensitivity and a lack of hydration. A good toner can aid in replenishing moisture, soothing the skin, and improving its overall health and appearance. 

toner image

Understanding Dry Skin and Its Specific Needs

Before diving into the world of homemade toners, it’s crucial to understand the unique characteristics and needs of dry skin. Dry skin is often characterized by a lack of natural oils, resulting in a tight and sometimes flaky complexion. It requires extra care and nourishment to maintain moisture levels and prevent dehydration.

When selecting a toner for dry skin, looking for ingredients that provide hydration and soothing properties is essential. Avoid toners that contain alcohol or harsh chemicals, as they can further strip the skin of moisture and exacerbate dryness. Opt for toners that are alcohol-free and formulated with gentle, nourishing ingredients.

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide To The Best Skincare Routine For Dry Skin With Hyperpigmentation

Why Go Natural? 

When it comes to creating homemade toners for dry skin, nature provides a treasure trove of beneficial ingredients. The natural ingredients are more suitable for homemade toners because they provide: 

Natural products for skincare

Benefits of Natural Homemade Toners for Dry Skin 

Homemade toners offer a variety of benefits for individuals with dry skin.  Following are some of the key benefits: 

Customizability – One of the greatest advantages is the ability to customize the toner to cater to your specific needs. Using natural ingredients, you can tailor the toner to address dryness, sensitivity, and any other concerns.

Free From Harsh Chemicals – Homemade toners do not contain harsh chemicals and preservatives often found in commercial toners. These synthetic additives can irritate dry skin and worsen its condition. With homemade toners, you have full control over the ingredients, ensuring they are gentle and nourishing.

Cost Effective – Homemade toners are often more cost-effective than their commercial counterparts. Many ingredients needed to create homemade toners can be found in your kitchen pantry or easily sourced from local stores. This affordability allows you to use the toner liberally without worrying about breaking the bank.

Also Read: Does Dry Skin Cause Wrinkles? Revealing The Truth!

08 Best Homemade Toners for Dry Skin  

While you are familiar now with the beneficial ingredients that can be used for the preparation of toners, let’s delve into some simple yet effective DIY recipes for homemade toners for dry skin. These recipes are easy to make and utilize the natural ingredients mentioned above. These include:

Soothing Rosewater Toner

Rosewater is known for its soothing and hydrating properties. It helps to balance the skin’s pH levels and reduce redness. It also acts as a natural astringent, tightening the pores and giving the skin a refreshed appearance.

rosewater toner by neatly


  • 1 cup of distilled water
  • 1/2 cup of rosewater
  • 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil (optional)


  • In a clean bottle, combine the distilled water and rosewater.
  • Add a few drops of lavender essential oil if desired for a relaxing scent.
  • Shake well to mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply the toner to a cotton pad and gently swipe it across your face and neck.
  • Follow with your favorite moisturizer.

Refreshing Cucumber and Aloe Vera Toner

Cucumber, with its cooling effects, provides essential hydration to your skin to soothe irritation and reduce puffiness. Aloe vera is renowned for its moisturizing and healing properties. It gives nourishment and revitalization to the skin. It thoroughly cleans your pores and effectively controls excess oil production, and provides a balanced complexion. It also removes dirt and environmental pollutants for a refreshed look and feel. These qualities make this toner perfect for dry and sensitive skin types.  


  • 1 small cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 1/4 cup of witch hazel


  • Peel the cucumber and chop it into small pieces.
  • Puree the cucumber until smooth in a blender.
  • Strain the cucumber puree to extract the juice.
  • Combine the cucumber juice, aloe vera gel, and witch hazel in a clean bottle.
  • Shake well to ensure all the ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
  • Apply the toner to a cotton pad and gently pat it onto your face and neck.
  • Allow it to air dry before applying your moisturizer.

Nourishing Green Tea and Honey Toner

Green tea is packed with antioxidants and is excellent for combating dryness and protecting the skin from environmental damage. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that calm and soothe dry, irritated skin. Honey is a natural humectant that attracts and retains moisture in the skin. It helps to nourish and hydrate dry skin, leaving it soft and supple.


  • 1 cup of brewed green tea, cooled
  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey


  • Combine the brewed green tea and raw honey in a clean bowl.
  • Stir well until the honey is completely dissolved.
  • Pour the mixture into a clean bottle.
  • Apply the toner to a cotton pad and gently swipe it across your face and neck
  • Let it absorb into the skin before applying any other skincare products.

Honey & Mint Toner

Honey is a natural humectant (a substance that retains or preserves moisture on your skin), which helps retain moisture while mint refreshes and cools the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 1 cup of fresh mint leaves
  • 1 cup of boiling water


  • Dissolve the honey in boiling water.
  • Add the mint leaves and let it steep until cool.
  • Strain and store in a bottle.
  • Apply on a cotton pad and spray it on the face. 

Witch Hazel & Vitamin E Toner

This toner is suitable for skin with irritation and wrinkles. Witch hazel reduces inflammation and tightens pores, while Vitamin E moisturizes and heals dry skin.


  • ½ cup witch hazel
  • 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil


  • Mix the witch hazel and Vitamin E oil in a bottle.
  • Shake it well and mix both ingredients.
  • Apply on a cotton pad to tone your skin. 

Lavender & Glycerin Toner

Lavender calms the skin, and glycerin is another powerful humectant for maximum hydration.


  • ½ cup distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons glycerin
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil


  • Mix lavender and glycerine in a spray bottle. 
  • Shake the spray bottle well before spritzing on the face. 
  • Let it dry before applying your next skincare product. 

Rice Water Toner

Rice water is packed with vitamins and minerals, providing brightening and hydrating benefits to your skin.


  • ½ cup rice (any type)
  • 1 cup water


  • Rinse the rice to remove any impurities.
  • Soak the rice in water for 30 minutes.
  • Strain the rice water into a clean bottle.
  • Apply it on a cotton pad and spray it on the face. 

Coconut Water & Lemon Toner

Coconut water hydrates and nourishes the skin, while lemon juice brightens and cleanses.


  • ½ cup coconut water
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  • Mix the coconut water and lemon juice in a bottle. 
  • Apply this toner to the face with a cotton pad or spray bottle.

How to Properly Use Homemade Toners for Dry Skin 

To reap the full benefits of homemade toners for dry skin, it’s essential to know how to use them properly. Here are some guidelines to follow:

a woman applying toner

  • Cleanse Your Face – Cleanse your face thoroughly before applying the toner. It removes all traces of dirt and makeup, allowing the toner to work more effectively.
  • Apply the Toner – After cleansing, pour a small toner onto a cotton pad. Swipe the cotton pad across your face and neck, avoiding the delicate eye area.
  • Follow Up with a Moisturizer – Allow the toner to fully absorb into your skin before continuing with your skincare routine. Follow up with a moisturizer to seal in the hydration provided by the toner.
  • Use the Toner Consistently – Remember to use your homemade toner consistently to see optimal results. Incorporating it into your daily skincare routine will help restore your skin’s natural balance and leave it radiant and revitalized. 

Additional Tips for Caring for Dry Skin 

While using homemade toners for dry skin is a fantastic step towards healthier skin, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Drink More Water – Drink plenty of water throughout the day to hydrate your skin from within.
  • Avoid Hot Showers – Avoid hot showers or baths, as they can strip the skin of its natural oils. Opt for lukewarm water instead.
  • Use Gentle Cleaner – Use a gentle cleanser that doesn’t dry out your skin. Look for cleansers with hydrating ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid or ceramides.
  • Moisturize Your Skin Daily – Moisturize your skin daily with a rich, nourishing moisturizer. Pay extra attention to dry areas like the cheeks, forehead, and elbows.
  • Avoid Harsh Weather Conditions – Protect your skin from harsh weather conditions by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen and a moisturizing lip ball.

Final Thoughts 

Homemade toners are a fantastic way to revitalize your dry skin naturally. By utilizing the power of natural ingredients, you can create toners that hydrate, soothe, and nourish your skin without harsh chemicals. Whether you opt for a rosewater toner, a cucumber and aloe vera blend, or a green tea and honey concoction, homemade toners (listed above) offer a multitude of benefits for dry skin. Always choose ingredients that cater to your skin’s specific needs and follow the proper usage guidelines for optimal results. A consistent skincare routine that includes homemade toners can restore your skin’s moisture balance and achieve a healthy, radiant complexion. 

Toners are a fantastic skincare tool meant to hydrate and supple skin. Unlike their astringent counterparts designed for oily complexions, toners for dry skin aim to nourish, hydrate, and prep the skin for the subsequent layers of moisturizers and serums. This article delves into the top 08 natural homemade toners that promise to rejuvenate your skin and cater to dry skin’s needs, employing easily accessible, natural ingredients. Embrace the beauty of natural skincare and let homemade toners be your secret weapon for hydrated, youthful-looking skin.

FAQ: Revitalize Your Skin Naturally: Discover 08 Best Homemade Toners for Dry Skin

1.What are toners, and why are they beneficial for dry skin?
Toners are skincare products designed to balance the skin’s pH levels, remove impurities, and hydrate the skin. For dry skin types, toners play a crucial role in replenishing lost moisture, soothing irritation, and preparing the skin to better absorb subsequent skincare products such as moisturizers and serums. Homemade toners offer natural ingredients that nourish and hydrate the skin without harsh chemicals, making them ideal for individuals with dry skin.

2.What are the key ingredients to look for in homemade toners for dry skin?
Homemade toners for dry skin should contain ingredients rich in hydrating and soothing properties. Look for ingredients such as rose water, aloe vera gel, glycerin, cucumber extract, witch hazel, green tea, and chamomile. These ingredients not only provide moisture to the skin but also help calm inflammation and irritation commonly associated with dry skin.

3.How do I make a homemade rose water toner for dry skin?
To make a homemade rose water toner, you’ll need organic rose petals and distilled water. Simmer the rose petals in water until they release their natural oils and fragrance. Allow the mixture to cool, then strain out the rose petals. Transfer the rose-infused water into a clean spray bottle and store it in the refrigerator for a refreshing and hydrating toner.

4.Can witch hazel be used in homemade toners for dry skin?
Yes, witch hazel can be used in homemade toners for dry skin, but it should be diluted to avoid drying out the skin further. Mix witch hazel with equal parts of rose water or aloe vera gel to create a balancing toner that helps hydrate and soothe dry skin without stripping away its natural oils.

5.What are the benefits of using green tea toner for dry skin?
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent ingredient for homemade toners for dry skin. Green tea toner helps to hydrate the skin, reduce redness and inflammation, and protect the skin from environmental damage. Additionally, it can help tighten pores and improve overall skin texture.

6.How do I incorporate apple cider vinegar into a homemade toner for dry skin?
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be used in homemade toners for dry skin due to its pH-balancing and exfoliating properties. However, it should be diluted with water to avoid irritation. Mix one part ACV with three parts distilled water or rose water to create a gentle toner. ACV helps to remove dead skin cells, balance the skin’s pH levels, and improve the skin’s texture and appearance.

7.Are there any precautions to consider when using homemade toners for dry skin?
While homemade toners can be gentle and beneficial for dry skin, it’s essential to patch test new ingredients to ensure they don’t cause irritation or allergic reactions. Additionally, avoid using toners that contain alcohol or harsh astringents, as they can further dry out the skin and cause discomfort. Always moisturize your skin after using a toner to lock in hydration.

8.How often should I use homemade toners for dry skin?
The frequency of using homemade toners for dry skin depends on your skin’s individual needs and tolerance. Generally, it’s safe to use a gentle homemade toner twice daily, in the morning and evening, as part of your skincare routine. However, if you notice any signs of irritation or excessive dryness, reduce the frequency to once a day or every other day.

9.Can I customize homemade toners for dry skin based on my specific concerns?
Yes, homemade toners can be easily customized to address specific skincare concerns for dry skin. For example, you can add a few drops of essential oils such as lavender or chamomile for extra hydration and calming effects. You can also incorporate additional ingredients like vitamin E oil or hyaluronic acid for added moisture and anti-aging benefits.

10.Are there any alternatives to homemade toners for dry skin?
While homemade toners offer natural and customization options for dry skin, there are also commercially available toners formulated specifically for dry skin types. Look for toners that contain hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides, and avoid those with alcohol or harsh chemicals. Additionally, consider incorporating hydrating serums and moisturizers into your skincare routine for optimal hydration and nourishment.

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